Senators Boxer and Markey introduce competing TSCA reform bill.

Today, Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, and Edward Markey (D-MA), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Superfund, Waste Management, and Regulatory Oversight, introduced a new proposal to modernize the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The “Alan Reinstein and Trevor Schaefer Toxic Chemical Protection Act” is named after Alan Reinstein, who died in 2006 of asbestos exposure-caused mesothelioma, and Trevor Schaefer, a brain cancer survivor and advocate for safety from environmental and chemical exposures. The bill aims to strengthen the standard EPA uses to assess chemical safety; increase the speed at which the agency conducts chemical assessments; and preserve the states’ ability to regulate chemicals at the state level and co-enforce federal law.

The introduction comes just two days after the debut of the industry-supported “Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act” by Senators Tom Udall (D-NM) and David Vitter (R-LA). In a statement responding to the Udall-Vitter proposal, Sen. Boxer said, “It is clear that in its present form, this bill fails to provide the protections needed and is worse than current law.”

The text of the Boxer-Markey bill has not yet been made publicly available, but a one-page summary [PDF] has been released, and the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has also posted a comparison between the Boxer-Markey and Udall-Vitter proposal. Highlights of the Boxer-Markey plan include:

  • Stronger standard for chemical safety: The bill will adopt a heightened safety standard for EPA’s chemical safety assessment, using the “reasonable certainty of no harm” threshold currently used in reviewing pesticide safety.
  • Expedited reviews for asbestos and persistent, bioaccumulative toxic chemicals: The bill will provide for an “expedited safety review” process to speed safety assessments (and subsequent regulations) for asbestos and the class of chemicals known as persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT).
  • State preemption and co-enforcement: States would not be preempted from enacting and enforcing their own restrictions on chemicals, or from co-enforcing federal requirements.
  • Risk of chemical spills: In prioritizing chemicals for assessment, EPA would be required to consider the risk of unplanned releases to the environment, like last year’s spill of the coal cleaning chemical MCHM in West Virginia’s Elk River.
  • Industry user fees: According to the EWG, Boxer-Markey will require industry “to provide the funding necessary to do timely safety reviews.”

Along with the Boxer-Markey proposal, the early response to the Udall-Vitter plan from other stakeholders has coalesced around a few main points, particularly insistence on preserving state authority and co-enforcement. In addition, Senator Tom Carper (D-DE), a co-sponsor of the Udall-Vitter bill, is advocating [PDF] for the public review of EPA’s designations of chemicals as “low priority.” Environmental and public health groups have sharply criticized the bipartisan proposal, but some are still optimistic that further negotiations could resolve the bill’s problems.

Senators unveil new bipartisan TSCA reform bill.

After much anticipation, the long-awaited new version of the Senate bipartisan bill to modernize the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was released today by Senators Tom Udall (D-NM) and David Vitter (R-LA). The proposal, called the “Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act,” is a new version of the “Chemical Safety Improvement Act” (CSIA) introduced by Sens. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Vitter in May 2013.

Like the CSIA, today’s proposal sets a new safety standard of “no unreasonable risk of harm to health or the environment” from exposure of the chemical under the conditions of use, including to potentially susceptible populations – such as infants, pregnant women, the elderly, or workers – as identified by EPA. The bill authorizes EPA to obtain new information on chemicals throughout the safety evaluation process under TSCA § 4 and establishes a “tiered screening and testing” system. Under the bill’s safety evaluation process, articles can only be prohibited or “otherwise restrict[ed]” if EPA has “evidence of significant exposure to the chemical substance from such article.” To reduce duplicative testing, the Udall-Vitter proposal provides for a framework for the “fair and equitable reimbursement” of data development costs.

EPA would be required to establish a risk-based prioritization scheme of high- and low-priority substances within one year of enactment, and an interim list of 10 substances in each category. Additional prioritization milestones for three and five years after enactment are also specified. The bill provides various criteria for prioritization, including recommendations from states, hazard and exposure potential, etc. States would be able to seek judicial review of low-priority designations, and such designations “must be based on information sufficient to establish that the substance is likely to meet the safety standard.” The prioritization scheme also provides for an “additional priority” allowing companies to request the EPA to fast-track safety evaluations and determinations, which would be fully funded by user fees.

Significantly, the Udall-Vitter bill directs EPA to set up a user fee program to fund 25% of program costs including safety evaluations and regulations, up to $18 million. This fee authority would be collected and made available “only to the extent and in the amounts provided in advance” as appropriated by Congress.

The new proposal takes a somewhat different tack on state preemption than the CSIA. The enforcement of existing state statutes and administrative actions on specific substances will not be preempted until the effective date of the applicable federal action, e.g., an EPA Significant New Use Rule, test order, or safety determination. However, new state statutes or administrative actions prohibiting or restricting substances designated as high-priority would be preempted as soon as EPA commences a safety assessment. Like the original CSIA, the new bill provides for a system in which states may apply for a waiver from preemption, subject to various conditions. EPA’s waiver decisions would be subject to notice and comment and subject to judicial review.

In addition, the bill provides for an interagency “Sustainable Chemistry Program” to coordinate and support sustainable chemistry-related research, development, commercialization, education, etc., although “sustainable chemistry” is not defined.

Sen. Lautenberg, who passed away in June 2013, was a long-time champion of public health and environmental protection, including TSCA reform efforts. The invocation of Sen. Lautenberg’s legacy, however, may “inflame divisions” between Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and other Democrats. Sen. Boxer vocally opposed the CSIA, criticizing that proposal’s preemption of state regulations. The California Attorney General has already written a sharp critique of the Udall-Vitter proposal, calling it an “unprecedented and unnecessary evisceration of state regulatory authority.”

Environmental and other advocacy groups, including the Environmental Working Group and Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition, are already publicly opposing the new bill and calling for changes. Chemical industry groups, including the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and the Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates, are lauding it and pushing for its passage. The New York Times quoted Richard Denison, senior scientist at the Environmental Defense Fund, calling the bill “a solid compromise that would be much more protective of public health.” In the same article, ACC president Cal Dooley predicts the legislation could garner 70 votes on the Senate floor.

Sen. Udall also said that he is working with Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) on related legislation in the House.

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee is reportedly holding a hearing on TSCA on March 18. The late Sen. Lautenberg’s widow, Bonnie Englebardt Lautenberg, is expected to speak in favor of the Udall-Vitter bill. The draft legislation is available here, and a fact sheet prepared by Sens. Udall and Vitter is available here.

Senior House Democrat on board with Republican proposal to reform TSCA.

The passage of legislation to modernize the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) looks a little more likely as a senior House Democrat has voiced positive feedback on the proposal offered by Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL), the head of the Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy.

According to Chemical Watch, Rep. Gene Green (D-TX), also a member of the Subcommittee, said that Rep. Shimkus’ more limited proposal to reform TSCA “works.” Rep. Green emphasized the need to “correct some of the things that are so outdated in TSCA,” as well as incorporating suggestions from Democrats. Rep. Green, whose district is home to several petrochemical companies, described TSCA reform as a “major issue,” and said he was “hopeful” that the issues that plagued the last attempt to modernize TSCA will not recur. As for state preemption, the main sticking point in last year’s negotiations, Rep. Green supported crafting legislation with bipartisan support as a first step before addressing preemption.

Chemical Watch also reported that Rep. Shimkus’ is currently “not committed to any timeline” for introducing legislation.

EPA’s chemicals outlook for 2015.

Jim Jones, the EPA Assistant Administrator for Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, writes in Chemical Watch that his highest priority in 2015 is “to continue building on the progress” of the last few years in making a “credible” program to manage existing chemicals, “despite the widely acknowledged shortcomings of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).” In his outlook for 2015, Assistant Administrator Jones highlighted progress on the TSCA Work Plan for Chemical Assessments as well as various regulatory actions.

Assistant Administrator Jones noted that in 2014, EPA completed final assessments on four chemical substances. Of those, the assessments for trichloroethylene (TCE) and methylene chloride (DCM) identified health risks to consumers and workers working with the chemicals. In 2015, the agency intends to negotiate for voluntary risk reduction measures with TCE and DCM manufacturers, but would turn to TSCA § 6 to mandate risk management – a regulatory tool EPA has not used in 28 years. Under the TSCA Work Plan, assessments scheduled for 2015 will address the following:

  • N-Methylpyrrolidone (NMP) in paint stripper products;
  • three clusters of related chemicals, used as flame retardants;
  • several uses of 1-Bromopropane (1-BP); including occupational uses of 1-BP in dry-cleaning and foam gluing operations, consumer uses in aerosol solvent cleaners and spray adhesives;
  • 1,4-Dioxane; and
  • long- and medium-chained chlorinated paraffins used as metal working and compounding agents and its effects on ecological receptors.

EPA has a variety of regulatory actions planned for 2015. The agency plans to finalize a rule regulating formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products, thus making national the emissions standard already in place in California. In addition, EPA will make a determination on “whether renovations in commercial and public buildings create a hazard from lead-based paint.” Assistant Administrator Jones also announced that the agency will, in late 2015 or early 2016, propose the modification of existing use authorizations for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in several contexts. Finally, Assistant Administrator jones noted that 2015 would mark a “turning point” for the agency’s green chemistry programs as incentives and obstacles to adoption of greener chemistries are identified.

Other items on EPA’s agenda for 2015 include:

EPA promulgates Significant New Use Rules for 27 PMN substances.

In yesterday’s Federal Register, the EPA published Significant New Use Rules (SNUR) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) for 27 substances that were already the subject of Premanufacture Notices (PMNs). Two of the substances – Phosphoric acid, iron (2+) lithium salt (1:1:1) and Polymer of terephthalic acid and ethyl benzene with multi-walled carbon nanotube (generic) – are also subject to “risk-based” consent orders under TSCA section 5(e), requiring protective measures to limit exposures or otherwise mitigate the potential unreasonable risk to human health and the environment presented by the substances. For these substances, the SNURs designate the absence of those protective measures as a “significant new use.”

Under all of the SNURs, EPA must be notified at least 90 days before beginning to manufacture or process the specified chemicals in a “significant new use.” For the chemicals not subject to § 5(e) consent orders, any use deviating from the use scenario reported in the corresponding PMN is designated as a “significant new use.” Specific requirements for each chemical are specified in the regulatory text.

The SNUR was promulgated by Direct Final Rule, and will go into effect on April 3, 2015, unless adverse comments are submitted by March 4.

EPA proposes updates to Chemical Data Reporting rule.

This week’s Federal Register includes notices from the EPA of two changes to the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule, part of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). On Tuesday, EPA published a Direct Final Rule that adds six biobased chemicals to the list of chemicals that are partially exempt from certain reporting requirements. Today, EPA published a Notice that the agency has submitted an information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

EPA’s submission to OMB proposes a revision to a previously approved information collection request, which implemented the 2011 updates to the CDR. Information collection requests are reviewed and approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act. The new request reflects the reporting requirements for the 2016 submission period. The update is estimated to affect almost 5,000 entities once every five years.

The new partial exemptions stem from a petition filed by a group representing the biobased chemicals industry. The Direct Final Rule adds a “biodiesel” category to the list of partially exempt chemicals which are not subject to reporting requirements for processing and use information. Responding to the group’s petition, EPA determined that processing and use information for the six biobased chemicals were of “low current interest.” The chemicals affected are:

  • Fatty acids, tallow, Me esters.
  • Fatty acids, C14-18 and C16-18-unsatd., Me esters.
  • Fatty acids, C16-18 and C-18-unsatd., Me esters.
  • Soybean oil, Me esters.
  • Fatty acids, canola oil, Me esters.
  • Fatty acids, corn oil, Me esters.

The partial exemption puts the biodiesel industry on more equal footing with petroleum-based diesel manufacturers, whose “petroleum process streams” chemicals are already partially exempt.

The partial exemption Direct Final Rule goes into effect on March 30, 2015, unless adverse comments are received by February 26. Comments on the information collection request will be accepted through March 2, 2015.

Industry opposes proposed rule on nonylphenols and nonylphenol ethoxylates.

Companies and trade groups representing industries ranging from automakers to cleaning products have pushed back against an EPA proposal that would restrict certain chemicals widely used in industrial applications and consumer products such as detergents, cosmetics, paints, and sealants. As Bloomberg BNA reports, industry commenters argue that their ongoing uses of the chemicals preclude EPA from issuing the proposed rule. The commenters also criticize EPA’s nomenclature convention, which they contend is not generally used or understood, as well as EPA’s reliance on Chemical Data Reporting Rule (CDR) results as a basis for the rulemaking.

In late September, we wrote that EPA released its proposed Significant New Use Rule (SNUR), under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), for nonylphenols (NPs) and nonyphenol ethoxylates (NPEs). EPA later extended the comments period for the proposed rule by 45 days, to January 15, 2015.

The proposed SNUR identifies by CAS number 13 “linear NPs and NPEs” for which any use is a significant new use, as well as two branched NPs, for which any use besides “as an intermediate or use as an epoxy cure catalyst” is a significant new use. However, commenters argue that “the global industry practice is to use CAS names” without distinguishing between “branched” or “linear” forms. The American Chemistry Council contends that EPA has not provided sufficient explanation and guidance on its “poorly-understood” naming convention regarding whether an alkyl chain is linear or branched.

Many commenters were highly critical of EPA’s method of evaluating whether the CAS numbers listed in the proposed SNUR were in commerce, stating that many were identified in ongoing uses and included in a variety of public databases. Various commenters also criticized EPA for using the proposed SNUR as a method of collecting use information.

Other comments reported specific ongoing uses of certain chemical substances by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Number.

The San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board also weighed in to request that EPA not exempt articles from this SNUR, particularly toilet paper, which “has the potential to be a major source of pollution for aquatic resources receiving treated or untreated wastewater discharges.”

House Republicans planning “more limited” TSCA reform proposal.

Chemical Watch reports that Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL), head of the House Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy, is planning “a more limited reform measure” to modernize the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) compared to the Chemicals in Commerce Act (CICA) draft that he first introduced last year. Attempts to negotiate a compromise on that legislation stalled when Republicans and Democrats could not agree on revisions and counter-proposals from either side.

Rep. Shimkus’ strategy is to offer Democrats the chance to add amendments in exchange for committing to support the legislation. However, Rep. Shimkus would not reveal what the limited scope of his proposal would target. He did cite Rep. Frank Pallone’s (D-NJ) expression of interest in working on TSCA reform as “a pretty positive sign.”

In terms of timing, Rep. Shimkus said he would like to move the bill “sooner than later, and have it off the floor before the August break.”

Rep. Shimkus also expressed hope that the more limited House proposal, if approved, could be resolved in conference committee with the more expansive TSCA reform legislation expected from the Senate side.

EPA proposes new SNUR for perfluorinated chemicals, again eliminates articles exemption.

EPA has proposed another Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) for long-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylate (LCPFAC) chemical substances, including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and its salts. Under the proposal, significant new uses that would require filing a 90-day notice with EPA include: manufacturing, importing, or processing “an identified subset of LCPFAC chemical substances for any use that will not be ongoing after December 31, 2015, and all other LCPFAC chemicals substances for which there are currently no ongoing uses.” In addition, EPA is continuing its trend in making the articles exemption inapplicable for these substances when imported as part of an article.

In the same proposed rule, EPA also proposes amending a SNUR for perfluorylalkyl sulfonate (PFAS) substances to make the articles exemption inapplicable for importing PFAS substances as part of carpets.

The affected chemicals are used in a variety of industrial applications and consumer goods, including cleaners, textiles, paper and paints, fire-fighting foams, and wire insulation. Their risks to human health and the environment include toxicity, persistence in the environment, and bioaccumulation in humans and animals. The chemicals are found in the blood of the general U.S. population and studies indicate that they may cause reproductive, developmental and systemic effects.

EPA’s proposal targets LCPFAC chemicals containing PFOA and its higher homologues, including the salts and precursors of these substances. Based on data from the 2012 Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule, the LCPFAC substances identified in the proposed SNUR are known to have current or recent ongoing uses. Noting that it is not the agency’s intention to regulate fluoropolymers in this rule, the proposed SNUR’s definition of the LCPFAC category includes a perfluorinated carbon chain length upper limit of 20. However, certain LCPFAC substances intentionally used in fluoropolymer formulation would be subject to reporting for the designated significant new uses.

The proposal defines PFAS substances to mean “a category of perfluorinated sulfonate chemical substances of any chain length.” For PFAS substances, EPA proposes modifying an existing SNUR for the chemical substances listed at 40 CFR 721.9582(a)(1).

The proposed rule is just the latest step in the agency’s ongoing work to regulate perfluorinated chemicals. The SNUR supports EPA’s 2010/2015 PFOA Stewardship Program, a voluntary initiative launched in 2006 with the major global manufacturers of LCPFAC substances. The Stewardship Program aims for a complete emissions and product content phaseout of these chemicals by 2015, and the most recent progress reports on the Program for the years 2014 and 2013, released last week, finds that the participating companies are on track to meet this goal. EPA notes that the SNUR for LCPFACs is proposed “in part in anticipation of this 2015 phase-out deadline.” In addition, the SNUR is consistent with EPA’s 2009 LCPFAC Action Plan. In October 2013, EPA finalized another SNUR on LCPFACs in carpets and PFAS, and earlier SNURs regulated PFAS and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS).

Comments on the proposed rule will be accepted through March 23, 2015. In particular, EPA seeks to confirm through comments on this action whether use (including in articles) of the affected chemicals – or related ones – is still ongoing and will cease by the 2015 deadline. The agency notes that the proposed SNUR would not affect any ongoing uses of the chemicals except those that will be phased out by the end of 2015, although “uses not already ongoing as of the publication date of this proposed rule, and ongoing uses that will be phased out by the end of 2015, would not be considered ongoing uses if they later arise, even if they are in existence upon the issuance of a final rule. Furthermore, uses that are ongoing as of the publication date of this proposed rule would not be considered ongoing uses if they have ceased by the date of issuance of a final rule (see Units IV. and VI. for further discussion of what constitutes an ongoing use).” EPA also requests comment on whether PFAS substances are currently imported as part of carpets.

EPA proposes restrictions on toluene diisocyanates in consumer products.

Today, EPA released a proposed rule regulating toluene diisocyanates (TDI), a group of chemicals mainly used to make polyurethanes like the flexible foam in furniture, as well as other consumer products, including coatings and adhesives. According to the agency, diisocyanates are “well known dermal and inhalation sensitizers in the workplace and can cause asthma, lung damage, and in severe cases, death.” Today’s proposal is a Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and applies to the domestic manufacture, processing, or import of TDI in consumer products.

The proposed SNUR [PDF] designates as a “significant new use” the use of certain types of TDI in any consumer products; for three other types of TDI, the “significant new use” designation contains a carve-out for use in coatings, adhesives, elastomers, binders, and sealants at no greater than 0.1% by weight. Under the SNUR, manufacturers, processors, and importers would be required to notify EPA at least 90 days before beginning or resuming the manufacture, processing, or import of TDI in a consumer product. The 90-day period would allow the EPA to evaluate the potential uses for any associated risks or hazards.

Following a recent trend, EPA has proposed making inapplicable the general SNUR exemption for importing or processing the SNUR chemical as part of an article. In the proposal, EPA explains that the articles exemption “is based on an assumption that people and the environment will generally not be exposed to chemical substances in articles…. However, TDI and related compounds are volatile and as such could migrate out of articles that contain them.” The agency cites studies finding that TDI have migrated from products, leading to potential exposure.

EPA notes that TDI, also a high production volume chemical (HPV), are “widely used in residual amounts.” According to the proposed rule, TDI use in consumer products was not reflected in Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) data, and agency staff only learned of its use, at residual concentrations no more than 0.1% by weight, in coatings, adhesives, and similar products, from direct conversations with manufacturers and a review of published literature and Safety Data Sheets for products in stores. Moreover, due to expected growth in the market for such products, “EPA is concerned that consumer products in the future might contain amounts of TDI above [current] levels.”

The chemicals covered by the proposed SNUR are:

  • Toluene diisocyanate trimer
  • Poly(toluene diisocyanate)
  • Toluene diisocyanate dimer
  • Toluene diisocyanate “cyclic” trimer
  • 2,4-toluene diisocyanate
  • 2,6-toluene diisocyanate
  • Toluene diisocyanate unspecified isomer

EPA requests comment on the proposed SNUR, and is particularly interested in “whether there are any ongoing uses of these consumer products of which the Agency is currently unaware and would welcome specific documentation of any such ongoing uses.” The proposal released today is a prepublication version [PDF], and is expected to appear in the Federal Register in the next week or two; comments will be accepted within 60 days after the proposal’s Federal Register publication. Additional material may be found and comments may be filed on using the proposed rule’s docket number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2011-0976.