DTSC Reopens Comment Period on Green Chemistry Regulations

California Green Chemistry:

On December 20, DTSC delivered everyone an early Christmas present.  The agency announced that it was re-opening the docket to accept public comments on yet another revised version of the Safer Consumer Product Alternative (SCPA) Regulations.  The agency’s announcement is embedded below.  Merry Christmas – better scratch those holiday plans and get back to work!  Surely some are asking themselves “When will this stop and the litigation begin?”





Department Reference Number: R-2011-02

Office of Administrative Law Notice File Number: Z-2012-0717-04

Pursuant to Government Code section 11347.1, notice is hereby given that the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has revised the Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR) for the Safer Consumer Product Regulations, which establish the criteria for identification and prioritization of chemicals of concern in consumer products, evaluation of their alternatives, and imposition of regulatory responses by adopting chapter 55 to division 4.5 of Title 22, California Code of Regulations, and to amend the Table of Contents. DTSC is revising the ISOR to correct: typographical, spelling, cross-referencing, punctuation and other formatting errors. In addition, DTSC has revised the ISOR to address some substantive drafting issues raised regarding the ISOR. These include, but are not limited to, making more explicit the necessity statement for each provision.

 DTSC mailed the 45-day Public Notice and made it, together with the regulations text and related materials, available for public review and comment on July 27, 2012. A public hearing was held on September 10, 2012, during which DTSC accepted written and oral testimony. In addition, written comments were accepted during the 45-day public comment period, which was extended by 30 days and ended October 11, 2012. DTSC has now made post-hearing changes to the ISOR. DTSC is NOT proposing changes to the regulations text as part of this notice and related public comment period.

 A public comment period for the revised ISOR will commence on December 21, 2012, and close at 5 p.m. on January 22, 2013. Interested persons may submit comments regarding the revised ISOR by e-mail to gcregs@dtsc.ca.gov, by fax to (916) 323-5542, or by mail to:

Ms. Krysia Von Burg

Regulations Coordinator

Department of Toxic Substances Control

P.O. Box 806

Sacramento, CA 95812-0806

 Copies of the revised ISOR are posted to DTSC’s Internet site at: http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/LawsRegsPolicies/Regs/index.cfm and http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/SCPRegulations.cfm and are available for public inspection between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Regulations Section located at 1001 I Street, 23rd Floor, Sacramento, California. Requests and inquiries concerning this matter may be directed to Ms. Krysia Von Burg at the address indicated above or by telephone at (916) 324-2810. Additions to the existing text are double-underlined and text deleted from the existing document is shown as strikeout.

 All comments must be received by DTSC by 5:00 P.M. on January 22, 2013, regardless of the form of transmission.

 Technical inquiries regarding the Revised Initial Statement of Reasons should be directed to Ms. Odette Madriago, Chief Deputy Director, at (916) 323-4927. However, it should be noted that oral inquiries are not part of the rulemaking record.   






Department Reference Number: R-2011-02

Office of Administrative Law Notice File Number: Z-2012-0717-04



Pursuant to Government Code section 11347.1, notice is hereby given that the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has revised the Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR) for the Safer Consumer Product Regulations, which establish the criteria for identification and prioritization of chemicals of concern in consumer products, evaluation of their alternatives, and imposition of regulatory responses by adopting chapter 55 to division 4.5 of Title 22, California Code of Regulations, and to amend the Table of Contents. DTSC is revising the ISOR to correct: typographical, spelling, cross-referencing, punctuation and other formatting errors. In addition, DTSC has revised the ISOR to address some substantive drafting issues raised regarding the ISOR. These include, but are not limited to, making more explicit the necessity statement for each provision.


DTSC mailed the 45-day Public Notice and made it, together with the regulations text and related materials, available for public review and comment on July 27, 2012. A public hearing was held on September 10, 2012, during which DTSC accepted written and oral testimony. In addition, written comments were accepted during the 45-day public comment period, which was extended by 30 days and ended October 11, 2012. DTSC has now made post-hearing changes to the ISOR. DTSC is NOT proposing changes to the regulations text as part of this notice and related public comment period.


A public comment period for the revised ISOR will commence on December 21, 2012, and close at 5 p.m. on January 22, 2013. Interested persons may submit comments regarding the revised ISOR by e-mail to gcregs@dtsc.ca.gov, by fax to (916) 323-5542, or by mail to:

Ms. Krysia Von Burg

Regulations Coordinator

Department of Toxic Substances Control

P.O. Box 806

Sacramento, CA 95812-0806


Copies of the revised ISOR are posted to DTSC’s Internet site at: http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/LawsRegsPolicies/Regs/index.cfm and http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/SCPRegulations.cfm and are available for public inspection between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Regulations Section located at 1001 I Street, 23rd Floor, Sacramento, California. Requests and inquiries concerning this matter may be directed to Ms. Krysia Von Burg at the address indicated above or by telephone at (916) 324-2810. Additions to the existing text are double-underlined and text deleted from the existing document is shown as strikeout.


All comments must be received by DTSC by 5:00 P.M. on January 22, 2013, regardless of the form of transmission.


Technical inquiries regarding the Revised Initial Statement of Reasons should be directed to Ms. Odette Madriago, Chief Deputy Director, at (916) 323-4927. However, it should be noted that oral inquiries are not part of the rulemaking record.